Both of the kids demonstrated (again) what great little travellers they are. Indi slept for the majority of the trip to Singapore and then through to Phuket. It is so much simpler when one will sleep and the other is quite content to watch a movie on his iPod until he is drowsy.
The four hour layover in Singapore went reasonably quickly - thanks largely to a great kids playground in the airport terminal. Unfortunately a Chinese woman with three very precocious children seized the opportunity to nominate Jo as an unpaid babysitter whilst she relaxed and read a book. Jo is made of finer stuff than me because I would have either back handed the little shits or pushed them onto a busy runway.
The hotel in Phuket is a 45 minute drive from the airport and we were fortunate enough to grab a luxury taxi that stopped nearby to the airport to pick up a car seat for Indi. This is a rarity in Asia, and we fully expected to have a nervous few weeks of holding Indi in the back seat of a car (even though the traffic actually moves very slowly).